Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ava Sinclair's 4th Chapter

Ava rolled her neck at 3rd base, waiting for the ball to come flying. As she heard the crack of the bat against the ball, she already started running. No one had bothered to occupy the outfield,as the teacher was reading.
"I got it!" she yelled. No one cared. Her little body flung against the fence as the ball-to-glove momentum caused her to move. "Dang..."she mumbled, rubbing her neck.
"Woo-hoo! Go Ava!" Ava's eyes darted to see who had made the outburst. Her eyes darted to the pale Peter, who was standing in the bleachers with his brown curly hair, plastered with sweat to his brow. She smiled weakly at him, and darted back the pitchers mound the give her the ball.
    How had she not noticed him running with the other boys? She sighed and grumbled under her breath. This moping almost made her miss a ball.


    She felt his brown eyes on her from the back. They were boring into her, like a ragged dagger. Was love always this uncomfortable? Love...she wouldn't use that word. But he was all she could think about....
"'Clair!" some girl yelled and Ava's glove reflexively shot out when she let out a shriek. Yanking her hand from the glove to cover her mouth, she noticed the ribbon in her hair had flown out. She watched it flutter in the breeze.

Ava tried to ignore the pain as she jogged after it. But someone was faster.

Peter had sprinted out of the bleachers, as frail and tired as he was, and went to retrieve her ribbon. "Here you go,"he panted, handing it to her.
"Thank you..." Ava whispered. She loved how his hand lingered on hers. She felt the tears sliding down her face.
"What's wrong?" he asked, puzzled. He even boldly grasped her wrist tenderly.
"I...I have to go. Peter, I'm sorry." she started to run away.
"Ava!" He yelled after her.
"I'm sorry! I'll-" but she was in the building now, in the locker rooms. She turned invisible and felt the blood trickle down her neck. She saw the bloodied ribbon in her hand and prayed no one else had seen it.

Here's how Ava's transformations work.

She can make her self any shape, color, etc. But, she retains a normal self underneath. She will always be invisible, her hair is invisible, and naturally falls to her back. Today, Ava had synthesized hair in a ponytail and a ribbon. These two items are part of her matter. She synthesizes on clothes, which is also part of her. They can be removed, but certain parts always stay hooked on her.

When the ribbon flew out of her hair, it is the equivalent to someone ripping the back of your neck out. It looks and feels like a ribbon, but it is her body.

Ava shivered and clasped her hand to the back of her head where the blood was originating.
"It hurts..."she cried aloud. Breaking into the door of the teacher, she felt for the first aid kit and some gauze. wrapping it around her invisible neck, she conjured normal skin color there, and put her PE uniform back on with her powers. (the only true clothing Ava wore was a bra, panties, a purple tank, and khaki shorts (she conjured the uniform over them)). She started to go to speak to Peter, but the class was coming back in, and Ava just checked to make sure there was no more tears.


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