Sunday, April 22, 2012

Welcome to my blog... :)

Demy here. I have created a new blog, as you can see. Here is where my friends and I shall, hopefully, do some role playing. What is role playing you ask? Well, my fine young feathered friend, roleplaying is basically multiple people acting as a character from their own imagination, or others imagination, or maybe as real people or things. You and fellow role players can take turns writing a story in your characters' perspective. It is very fun usually, and I hope that I can convince my frinds to participate.
As far as I know (Ive had some, but not much, experince with role playing) a role play is started by one (or possibly multiple people) coming up with a topic for your story (what it will be based on, about, what kinds of characters you will need, etc.) and then one by one participating people will sign up for it by creating a character according to the host's story description. Eventually the host will start the story (or ask someone else to). Every character will then type their own start for their characters, thus getting the story going. The characters can go on their own adventure, or meet up with other characters, or basically do whatever they want. It's very fun to roleplay.
Anyway, hope to see my bloggin friends here :)


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